Free Real Estate Training provides a dirty little secret the banks don’t want you to know

With the 80/20 mortgage scenario you can create equity and use the buyer’s money to get paid. You can simply discount the second mortgage creating instant equity and locate a new buyer who has a loan or cash to purchase the property. It gets even better when you simply run a Craig’s list ad for a rent to own buyer who has cash money for a deposit and can bring the loan current. The seller comes out smelling like a rose because they didn’t have a foreclosure and didn’t have to pay a commission. The first mortgage is “taken subject to” the mortgage and you get an assignment fee for putting it together. In the free real estate training we can show you how to get up to 75% of the buyer’s down payment or deposit…all for just running a few ads. There are hordes of people who cannot qualify for traditional mortgages for various financial reasons. You can locate them by the hundreds by running ads right on Craig’s List and Backpage. Many great buyer candidates are themselves fresh out of a foreclosure or short sale and are looking to accelerate the path to homeownership. They see your ad and recognize this as the key to getting back in the “homeowner in training” saddle. Now you are beating the bank at their game by taking the property out of this abnormal and artificial housing cycle. And you get paid while everybody wins.

These houses do not have to be in default. You can also make money with homeowners who are not in default or don’t even have a mortgage. With the growing global awareness of the “too big to jail banksters” people are refusing to pay their credit cards and walking away from mortgages as a way to demonstrate their moral standing. Anyone who understands the system knows it is much wiser to purchase a property without ever qualifying for the loan. With this free real estate training you can learn how to buy your next dream home without ever having to go to the bank or ever having to qualify for a new loan. You can also locate people who are price driven but willing to take their money over time. Here is an example of one of our many online ads for non-qualifying buyers we use to locate people who have decent money down.
                                                                 Ad Locating Buyers 

Once you locate a well heeled buyer you can run another ad for the house they want. This is an example of how we locate properties after we locate the buyer. 

                                                           Ad Location Sellers

Can you start to see how making money in Real Estate can be easier that you ever imagined? In this defining moment you can start learning how to become financially sustainable and start buying properties no money down. Using this free real estate training you run the ads and then bring us in to help you structure the deal. You don’t have to have the right contracts and the skills on how to structure the deal, we do all of that. This is why we get 50% of the deal. This is also why we want partners because we need feet on the street and someone on the ground to put up for sale by owner signs and show the houses to prospective buyers. All of the seller negotiations are done over the phone so it allows us to expand into areas of the country where we don’t actually live.

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