Too Big to Trust Criminal Banks have paved the Way for You to Start Making Money out of Thin Air

In a normal economy first time home buyers account for about 40% of home purchases. Today that percentage has shrunk to 27%. This is because nearly half of all sales are going to real estate investors who are chasing yields in every nook and cranny of the market. According to Realty Track half of the buyers in the market are paying cash! Is this the type of competition you are willing to bid against? Do you have cash and the ability to pay retail in order to become an investor?

Unfortunately there are those who still trust the propaganda media machine believing that the market is on a steady incline and there is a shortage of inventory.  Their are still a few people left who watch CNBC aka “nail file news” while the talking heads are reading their teleprompters telling the world that foreclosure stats are the lowest since 2007.  The real story is completely different. This is because the banks are holding onto the shadow inventory, manipulating and distorting the market and consumer confidence. Their propaganda convinces buyers to pay more for the very houses they repossessed or stole back from unsuspecting homeowners. Meanwhile they are racking up nicely, collecting on foreclosure default judgments and mortgage insurance (sometimes collecting up to 150% of their original investment). Given the fact that the original investment was nothing more than fractionalized debt that has no collateral, they have perfected the ultimate ponzi scheme. This bank shyster’s warped story fails to mention that distressed home sales account for 1 out of 6 home sales, still 500% higher than normal. With the training we provide, you can make money while helping defaulted homeowners. This means you can make some real money by locating distressed homeowners who have an 80% defaulted first mortgage and a 20% second mortgage. Our free real estate training shows you step by step exactly how we make money and how to become a partner making money with us.